Privacy Policy

Below is an overview of the data categories we process, the purposes behind this processing, and the legal basis for handling your data. Ateljéns collects and processes personal data in various situations, such as when you make a purchase on our website, use our customer support, visit our website, or get in touch with us. The primary reasons for collecting and processing this data are to fulfill purchase agreements, provide services, and offer you a better customer experience. This extends from your website visits to newsletter subscriptions and order deliveries.

Cookies: To ensure the proper functioning of our website, we use cookies. These cookies are used for various purposes, including collecting visitor statistics, for advertising, and enhancing your website experience. We may periodically update this information, so we recommend checking this page regularly for the latest details on the cookies used on our website. By using our site, you consent to us storing and reading data in these cookies during your current and future sessions on our website. You have the option to opt out by disabling or clearing cookies in your web browser. However, please be aware that certain website features may become degraded or non-functional without cookies enabled.

What is a Cookie? A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers stored on your device when you visit our website. Cookies are placed on your device as soon as you visit our site unless you have adjusted your browser settings to reject them. There are two types of cookies based on how long they are stored: persistent cookies (which remain until you manually delete them) and session cookies (which are deleted when you close your web browser). Cookies can also be categorized as first-party (set by the website you're visiting) or third-party (set by a domain other than the one you're browsing).

Geo IP: We use Geo IP to store location data, which identifies the region from which you are accessing our site. This helps us serve you with the appropriate version of our website (e.g., SE, UK, or EU).

Customers: We collect various data from customers, including contact details (such as name, address, email address, telephone number, country of residence, and title), credit card details (if you choose to pay by credit card), and information related to purchases and returns. Contact details are used to process orders, communicate with you regarding purchases, answer your inquiries, and send newsletters if you have subscribed. Credit card details are used solely for finalizing purchases and are not stored by us.

Your Consent: By setting your web browser to accept cookies and visiting our website, you provide your consent for us and our service providers to use cookies on our website.

Can I Withdraw My Consent? Yes, you can withdraw your consent by deleting the cookies stored on your device through your web browser settings. You can also prevent cookies from being stored by changing your web browser settings to disable cookies. Keep in mind that disabling cookies may affect the website's functionality.

Third Parties: Please note that third parties, including advertising networks and providers of external services like web traffic analysis, may also use cookies over which we have no control. These cookies are typically analytical/performance or targeting cookies. Your browser settings may allow you to block some or all cookies, but blocking essential cookies may affect your access to parts of our website. All cookies, except essential ones, will remain unless the cookie cache is cleared.

For any questions or concerns about this policy, we appreciate the opportunity to address your issues before contacting the relevant data protection authority. Please reach out to us via email in the first instance.